
There were 28 cases, of which 27 were local

The number of tests performed in the last 24 hours was 8,491. There were 28 positive cases, of which 27 were local. 18 people were discharged.

1 person is a contact of previously identified cases and is being kept under observation during this period. 27 people are local cases.

4 people are from Lefkoşa, 13 people are from Girne, 9 people are from Gazimağusa, and 1 person is from the İskele region.

Breakdown of cases by area


Kızılbaş-1/ K.Kaymaklı-2/ Near East Boulevard-1


Central Girne-9/ Dikmen-1/ Alsancak-1/ Karaoğlanoğlu-2


Central Gazimağusa-4/ Dumlupınar-1/ Yeniboğaziçi-1/ Vadili-3



The general situation of Covid-19 as of 23 June 2021 is as follows:

Number of Tests Conducted Today: 8,491

Number of Positive Cases Confirmed Today: 28

Number of Cases from Abroad: 0

Number of Contact Cases That Became Positive in Quarantine: 1

Number of Local Cases: 27

Number of Patients Recovered and Discharged Today: 18

Number of Patient Deaths Today: 0

Total Number of Tests Performed: 1,409,732

Total Number of Cases: 7,845

Total Number of Patients Recovered and Discharged: 7,509

Number of Cases Receiving Treatment: 301

Number of Patients in The Pandemic Centre: 22

Number of Cases Being Followed at Pandemic Hotels: 263

Number of cases whose examinations are continuing: 15

Total Number of Patient Deaths: 35

Number of Patients in Intensive Care: 1

Amount of Vaccines Administered Across the Country Today: 5,175

Latest figures based on the Stay Safe application

Number of wristbands fitted in the last 24 hours: 394

Number of wristbands whose tracking has been ended in the last 24 hours: 475

Stay Safe general picture

Number of wristbands being tracked: 2,544

Total number of wristbands whose tracking has been ended: 15,325

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